Vitamin C and Zinc Immunity Combination

PediaTech® is a research and development organization dedicated to the advancement of pediatric healthcare by developing technologies and designing products specifically catering to children, and children’s medicine-taking habits. We aim to undertake common issues with children’s medicine from bad taste to difficult dosing instructions because the best medicines in the world would not work unless the medicines are taken by the kids at the prescribed dosage level at all times.

Dual immune defenses of Vitamin C and Zinc, watch the video below.

The Problem with Combining Vitamin C and Zinc

There are a lot of challenges in combining vitamin C and zinc in pediatric liquid medications such as syrup and drops. Stability of the formulation is the biggest issue. Vitamin C degrades rapidly in the presence of divalent metal ions such as zinc. In one experiment, zinc doubled the rate of vitamin C degradation (Fig. 1). Further, zinc also gives the liquid medication an astringent, metallic and unpleasant taste.

Fig. 1.  Assay of Vitamin C with and without Zinc in a liquid format

ZincPlus Technology

ZincPlus is a patented technology that powers world’s only stable formulation of Vitamin C and Zinc in liquid format. It uses unique polymer strands that prevent the degradation of vitamin C (Fig. 2). It also reduces the metallic taste and astringency of zinc (Fig. 3). Watch the video below for more on PediaTech’s ZincPlus technology.

Fig. 2. Assay of Vitamin C

Fig. 3. Astringency Test

ZincPlus Technology

Products using the ZincPlus Technology

  • Immunped syrup
  • Ceelin Plus syrup and drops
  • Ceelin Plus chewables